Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Brainspotting

Are old memories and experiences interfering with the life you want?

Maybe you had a huge argument with someone you love deeply, or perhaps you find yourself pushing people away. You may be feeling stuck in old ways and old patterns, or simply wondering if it’s even worth it to get close to people at all anymore. Perhaps you’re feeling worthless or unlovable, and you can’t seem to envision a life that is free from these types of thoughts and feelings.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Your guilt and shame have felt overwhelming, and sometimes keep you up at night

  • You’re repeating patterns from your past that you swore you would never repeat

  • You can’t stop thinking about the painful memories you’ve been through

It may feel impossible now, but you can feel whole again. You can feel composed. You can feel in control of your thoughts, emotions, and memories.

And I can help you get there.

EMDR, Brainspotting, and Flash Technique (FT) can help you…

  • Process painful memories much more quickly than you would in traditional therapy, so that you can feel unstuck and free much more quickly

  • Feel calmer and more at peace even when actively thinking about your past

  • Feel even less triggered by everyday events, so you can have healthier communication patterns with the people you love and care about the most

How therapy works

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step
to your unique needs and circumstances.

My approach to EMDR and FT comes from a place of awe: because I have seen people break free from lifelong traumatic memories in as little as 1-3 sessions.


  • We will start with several sessions of getting to know you, possibly utilizing TF-CBT or other forms of therapy. Then, I will ask you about specific components of a particularly disturbing memory. We will then begin “bilateral stimulation,” which involves me guiding you in moving your eyes back and forth as you process a memory. This helps the left and right hemispheres of your brain to form a more intimate connection so that the disturbing memory becomes less disturbing. It also helps your mind, emotions, and body to realize that this memory is in the past, and that the memory no longer has to be held at the forefront of your mind as a protective mechanism.

    While utilizing the Flash Technique (FT), however, you will not be asked to actively think of the disturbing memory. Instead, we will process a pleasant memory while briefly re-visiting the disturbing memory. This process takes place through a combination of talking and tapping.

  • For the length of time that feels most comfortable to you, because your needs come first and your situation is unique. Our sessions will typically last about 50-57 minutes per session. They start at about once a week or once every other week so that we can get to know each other, and we meet less often over time as you and I see fit.

  • While I can never guarantee the outcome of therapy for anyone, the fact that you have read this far shows how motivated you are to get unstuck from traumatic memories. Typically, traumatic memories are able to be processed much more quickly through EMDR and FT than through other methods of traditional therapy sessions. Sometimes, those memories (and the thoughts and feelings associated with those memories) can be resolved in as little as one session!

  • Feel free to call, text, or email me today to ask questions or to schedule your first session!

It’s time to break free from the trauma and the drama that hold you captive so that you can live in peace.